What artists say about Clip Studio Paint, the illustration, comic & animation app
Updated: July 22, 2022

Amei Zhao (Concept Artist)Australia http://ameizhao.com
“...brushes are highly customizable and easy to use”
Clip Studio Paint is optimized for drawing and painting, making it ideal for illustrators. The painting brushes are highly customizable and easy to use. There's a thriving community of users who constantly contribute to the online materials library. Clip Studio Paint is also ideal for illustrators who specialize in linework. The smoothness of lines, lack of lag while drawing, as well as the vector output make drawing very fun and efficient.

Derrick Chew (Illustrator & Concept Artist)Singapore https://www.dcwj.art
“CSP is a versatile digital painting program great for painting and inking with many unique features”
CSP is a versatile digital painting program great for painting and inking with many unique features.
One of my favourites is the perspective ruler which is super useful and convenient for planning or drawing backgrounds!

Lolita Aldea (Comic Book Artist)Spain https://www.instagram.com/lolitaaldea/
“The lines are the most similar to traditional inking that I could find in any software”
When I draw comics, it helps me a lot to be able to see all the pages at the same time. Quick navigation through the pages and having easy access to every file gives me a global feeling of the entire book.
I always work using vector layers in my inking process. That way I'm able to edit my lines and use tools like the vector eraser, which saves me a lot of time.
There are a ton of brushes available that can be customized a lot. The lines are the most similar to traditional inking that I could find in any software.

Paco Sordo (Illustrator)Spain https://pacosordo.com/
“I use [Clip Studio Paint] every day”
Clip Studio Paint is my favorite drawing application, I use it every day. I am especially keen on the strokes you can create with it. This software offers the most natural paper-like experience, but with all the advantages of a digital environment.

kami (Illustrator & Animator)Philippines https://twitter.com/karekareo
“CSP is really made with the artist in mind”
Clip Studio Paint is a top-notch program with a wide variety of features and easy, convenient customization to make it fit your needs and style. I especially love the easy-to-manage animation timeline, rulers, abundant collection of assets, and how it doesn't stress out my computer. CSP is really made with the artist in mind, making us able to create freely and explore the artistic process more deeply and creatively.

David Lopez (Cartoonist)Spain https://about.me/david_lopez
"Clip Studio Paint has totally changed the way I work"
Clip Studio Paint has totally changed the way I work and it has changed it to the better. It is a complete tool that doesn’t interfere at all with my workflow. It’s absolutely adaptable to the way I do things, and it’s obvious that this is a program specifically designed for creating comics.
As an example of what I mean, here are my five favorite features:
5. Rulers: symmetry and perspective now are super easy.
4. Lettering: I can add the balloons and edit the text while I draw.
3. The customizable command bar and the tool sets: the interface adapts to my workflow and not the other way around.
2. Layer color: now I only work with black and transparent. These layer color options makes it almost impossible to accidentally ink the layer with the blue pencil sketch.
1. Flip Horizontal: I can see the page inverted and check how the work is with just a simple click.
Bonus track: I can put the face of my friends as icons for tools, it’s silly but it makes me happy.

Sam Nassour (Art Director)UAE https://samnassour.tumblr.com/
"Clip Studio Paint is a fantastic software that I use often for creating illustrations..."
Clip Studio Paint is a fantastic software that I use often for creating illustrations, I like the very customizable keyboard shortcuts, the robust brush engine and the way blending colors works. Also tools like Lasso-fill makes it easy to quickly block solid shapes in without extra clicks.

Vicki Tsai (Illustrator)Taiwan https://twitter.com/vickisigh
“A variety of brushes and tools to bring my imagination to life”
I love Clip Studio Paint for its versatility, enormous bank of resources, and ease of use. When making art I'm most interested in minimizing the amount of time between an idea popping into my mind and sitting down to turn that idea into reality. Clip Studio Paint has a clean interface that allows me to immediately jump into the act of drawing and experiment with a variety of brushes and tools to bring my imagination to life.

Charlie Adlard (Comic Artist)UK https://www.instagram.com/charlie_adlard/
“I can literally do everything I want to do on this single app”
I’ve been using CSP for the last few years, and I love how intuitive it is. I can literally do everything I want to do on this single app. The brushes are a special standout - even without downloading extra ones, the existing ones really do feel like the real thing. As a self confessed old technophobe, it’s incredibly easy to learn... something I really need with my busy schedule.

Elentori (Character Artist)USA https://www.instagram.com/elentori/
"a wonderfully robust program that I personally love for its textured painting brushes"
Clip Studio Paint is a wonderfully robust program that I personally love for its textured painting brushes. I believe it has some of the best default brushes for watercolor and texture in general, and a huge community behind it creating and sharing even more content. Whether I'm looking for good brushes for a quick sketch or detailed editing tools for a large piece, Clip Studio Paint has them all in one easy-to-use package.

José Luis Ágreda
(Illustrator & Comic Artist)Spain
"It is an all-in-one, making my life easier"
Having worked on illustrations and comics for years, what first caught my attention with Clip Studio was that it worked in itself for all the processes in any of the disciplines, without having to share files between different applications. It is an all-in-one, making my life easier.
When I started using it, thanks to its easy configuration, the transition to the application was almost immediate, because I could work with the shortcuts and display distribution I used to work with before.
But none of this would have convinced me if the brushes hadn't had such a natural and versatile feeling, which is what artists eventually need: a tool that adapts to our needs, and not the contrary.

Ricardo Bessa (Illustrator & Storyboard Artist)UK https://www.ricardobessa.com/
“The pencil tool in CSP is one of the best I've tried”
I've only recently started using Clip Studio Paint, but it's already won me over with its drawing tools. As someone who has always loved organic pencil lines, the transition into fully digital work was a convenient one, but there was a bit of a loss when it came to the expressiveness of sketches and drawings. The pencil tool in CSP is one of the best I've tried, and I'm thoroughly excited to start incorporating it into my work flow - and to explore all the other tools CSP has to offer!

Mirka Andolfo (Comic Artist)Italy https://www.instagram.com/mirkand89/
“Clip Studio Paint is perfect for my purposes: intuitive and simple.”
The speed of execution is important to me, and I always have to maintain good quality even when there is no time. Clip Studio Paint is perfect for my purposes: intuitive and simple. The brushes (even the basic ones) are the best I've ever used in a digital drawing app. My favorite is the Textured Pen, which I use a lot for inking since it leaves a slight "texture" in the stroke that makes the line softer. I also often use the integrated "Decoration" tools and they are very useful to easily draw details when the deadlines are particularly difficult.

Pietro Zemelo (Comic Artist & Animator)Italy http://zemelo.it/
"Clip Studio Paint is the only choice if you want to make comics digitally...The frame tools, the color controls, the rulers (the perspective ruler is a life-saver!)
Clip Studio Paint is the only choice if you want to make comics digitally, in my opinion. I was initially interested in the stabilization function for pens and pencils, but it took very little time to find so much more: the frame tools, the color controls, the rulers (the perspective ruler is a life-saver!)… I could speak about Clip Studio Paint for hours… And I do! Not a day passes without me teaching my students how to use it and why it is just the best. Once you try it, you won’t be looking for anything else.

Miki Montlló
(Illustrator & Comic Artist)Spain
"[Clip Studio Paint] comes with tools completely focused on comics"
Clip Studio is by far my favorite software. Before I knew about it, I spent years using other programs to work on my comics, but they were not primarily focused on drawing and lacked specialized features. Also, they tended to have problems with file corruption, unexpected crashes and other related bugs. Still, I was reluctant to switch to another software because I thought it would take a lot of getting used to, but that was not the case with Clip Studio Paint. It was a breeze to use from the very first moment I tried it. The strokes are much more pleasant and the commands are tremendously intuitive. In addition, it comes with tools completely focused on comics: speed lines, action lines, sound effects lettering, text input, balloons... Clip Studio Paint is definitely the best digital drawing tool I've ever used.

Amalas Rosa
(Concept Artist)Germany
"..the software supports me where I need it"
I love Clip Studio Paint. It gives me the freedom to work untroubled and the software supports me where I need it.
The color palettes, for example, are a wonderful feature.
I especially love the intermediate colors, and the free experimentation with colors and the palettes have helped me a lot on my creative journey.
Also the other color corrections options to edit an image help me a lot to give the final artwork the right brilliance.

Tony Valente (Comic Artist)France https://www.instagram.com/tonytonyvalente/
"I especially love the Oil paint brush...The way it spreads the paint and blends colors [is] incredibly intuitive!"
In my daily life, I use Clip Studio Paint for two things: the screentones and coloring features.
I do my inking by hand, and once it's scanned, the screentones and action lines built into Clip Studio Paint blend seamlessly with my pen-and-paper drawing. If I need to retouch my work digitally afterwards, the app has all the same inking pens I use when inking by hand, so I always end up with a convincingly traditional finish!
On the subject of coloring, Clip Studio Paint allows you to take whatever approach you like: as for myself, I usually only go with one coloring layer and only use two or three basic brushes. Believe it or not, that doesn't even scratch the surface of what the app can do! Despite that, I'm still able to create hyper-dynamic and natural-feeling illustrations. I especially love the Oil paint brush, which is one of the default brushes, and probably the one I use the most. The way it spreads the paint and blends colors makes it feel incredibly intuitive! And then, when I feel like playing with layer blending modes or exploring other tools, the full potential of Clip Studio Paint truly reveals itself.

Chipflake (Animator & YouTuber)Germany https://www.chipflake.com
"The program is always being updated with useful new tools and features"
Clip Studio Paint EX is an excellent tool for creating illustrations and cartoons alike, with its many features designed to streamline the process, animating feels smooth and straightforward. The program is always being updated with useful new tools and features, which often become a regular part of my creation process, and make drawing and animating even simpler and more satisfying.

Arechan (Webtoon Artist)USA http://twitter.com/arechanga/
"no better software for making comics than Clip Studio Paint"
My art journey has taken me through many art programs, and I can confidently say that there is no better software for making comics than Clip Studio Paint. In the several years I’ve made webtoons professionally, Clip Studio Paint’s features and tools have helped me produce weekly work without ever compromising on quality. Its webtoon feature allows me to easily work in its characteristic long, vertical format so comfortably that I’m able to create the exact pacing, look, and feel I need to tell my story in the way I want my readers to experience it.

Bryn Jones (Visual Developer)UK https://www.instagram.com/artwithbryn
"impressed by Clip Studio Paint's brush engine"
Over the years I've worked on many digital art apps - I was impressed by Clip Studio Paint's brush engine. The included brushes felt very natural, I really enjoy digital art when the pixels feel like real paint. When I'm spending a lot of time painting, I like to speed up the process with hotkeys and macros - I can do this with Clip Studio Paint's auto actions. I started my journey as a digital artist when I was a student and I had a tight budget, so I always appreciate it when apps are priced competitively because it becomes an option for more potential artists. I think Clip Studio Paint offers great value, especially with the large amount of features included.

Dami Lee (Comic Artist)USA https://www.instagram.com/dami_lee/
"optimized for creating comics"
Everything about Clip Studio Paint is optimized for creating comics, and there’s always new features being added to make artists’ lives easier. I love scrolling through the assets library to check out new brushes and backgrounds!

(Illustrator)South Africa
"the best art program I've used"
I’ve been using Clip Studio Paint for over a year now, for personal projects and work projects and it’s the best art program I've used. Easy to customize to any art style and work environment, with an active community adding new assets and tutorials. Seeing my favorite artist upload their brush sets and being able to pick them up so easily is a joy!
I like to be able to try new things with my art, and with Clip Studio Paint`s a huge library of custom brushes and tools, I'm always able to try new art techniques and painting styles. Like their Gradient Maps which helps a lot with color palettes, along with tools like Auto Select which makes art processes faster. It's so easy to customize to any art flow, I recommend it to any artist of any skill level!

Lukey McGarry (Comic Artist)UK http://instagram.com/lukeymcgarry
"The animation feature...better than some of the strictly animation-focused programs I have used"
I had been aware of Clip Studio Paint for a while, as it came strongly recommend by a lot of my cartoonist friends.
The big selling point, up until I actually used the program, was the ability to create comic panels automatically! So that was the first thing I tried, and I was immediately convinced! But then it turned out Clip Studio can do much, much more than that!
The animation feature was a particular favorite of mine — it’s a lot more intuitive than most of the other non-animation oriented drawing programs, and much smoother and more effective. In fact, it may have even been better than some of the strictly animation-focused programs I have used.
Another feature that impressed me was the ability to pair my smartphone with my drawing tablet and use it as a remote. It made life so much easier without having to flip back and forth between panels on the tablet screen, allowing me to just concentrate on drawing.
I’ve been using Clip Studio for around 3 months now, and feel as though I have only just scratched the surface of it’s capabilities. The next thing I want to try is incorporating 3D elements!

Philip Sue (Illustrator & Concept Artist)New Zealand https://www.instagram.com/philipsue_art/
"I highly recommend it for any artists and also upcoming artists looking for their first art software"
"My experience with using Clip Studio Paint was fantastic and I highly recommend it for any artists and also upcoming artists looking for their first art software. The moment I opened up CSP I was basically given all the information I needed in order to begin creating immediately!
I was very impressed with the range of painting tools I had access to and there’s a great amount of free built-in assets such as characters or props you can use to stretch your creativity. If you’re a content creator and you like to record your art process, there’s even a built-in timelapse function you can turn on before you create then export as a video whenever you’re finished!
When it comes to painting, everything runs smoothly and there were absolutely no issues at all which allowed me to focus on creating without any worries. Once again, whether you’re a beginner or experienced artist, I say definitely give Clip Studio Paint a try to see for yourself exactly how powerful this software is! It’s everything that you would need all packed in one."

Juaco Garin (Director & Producer)Argentina https://artananimation.com/
“[The] drawing tools feel very real and the animation interface is strongly based on the procedures of traditional animation”
Our animation studio has the mindset of combining the artistic and expressive values of traditional techniques with the efficiency and speed of digital tools. When comparing animation software, the characteristics that influence us the most are its ability to use timelines, symbols, automatic interpolation or composition. However, when doing traditional animation, the most important thing we look for is what we will be doing the longest: drawing. That's why Clip Studio Paint EX is so attractive to us, since its drawing tools feel very real and the animation interface is strongly based on the procedures of traditional animation.

André Pelaes
(Concept Artist)Brazil
“...Clip Studio allows me to focus on my work”
What I really like about Clip Studio is how it allows me to focus on my work. The tools are there if I need them, but if I just want to jumpstart a drawing or open the software for a quick sketch it is perfect.

Nacho Yagüe
(Concept Artist)Spain
“...the way the brushes blend colors is fantastic”
I really love the brush behaviour. I always like to paint with a "traditional style" and the way the brushes blend colors is fantastic. They are so organic that a lot of times I am getting non planned results that end in the final image.

redjuice (Illustrator)Japan https://twitter.com/shiru
“The Fill and Auto Select features are amazing for painting”
Clip Studio Paint is one of the main tools I use for work. The Fill and Auto Select features are amazing for painting, and I also like that I can transform selections on multiple layers. Even when making something in Photoshop, I sometimes switch to Clip Studio Paint just for that feature.

Bryan Sánchez M. (Tattoo Artist)Colombia https://www.instagram.com/bryan_sanchezm/
“My… lines flow so naturally with Clip Studio Paint”
I have been using Clip Studio Paint for a couple of years and this software gives me a lot of tools for my sketchy style. My crazy lines flow so naturally with Clip Studio Paint. Not having a cursor on the screen makes me feel like I'm drawing on paper. I love it!

Ian Jepson (Illustrator & Designer)South Africa https://ianjepson.co.za/
“I've recommended [Clip Studio Paint] to every illustrator I know”
I've been using Clip Studio for going on 6 years now, and I've recommended it to every illustrator I know. No other program handles drawing and pen input so well, and the way it's built from the ground up with illustration in mind makes it indispensable in my work.

Dylan Teague (Comic Artist)UK http://twitter.com/DylanTeague/
“The brushes are just amazing… and feel extremely life‑like.”
I'm a big fan of Clip Studio Paint. I've been using it since Manga Studio 4 and now use it for pretty much 100% of my professional work. There are so many features that really help my work flow in comics. The story feature is a great way to keep organized on longer projects. The brushes are just amazing too and feel extremely life‑like. I also really like how you can customize everything to suit your own needs perfectly. The iPad version is brilliant too, making Clip Studio Paint totally portable so I can easily work on print-ready files anywhere.

Kenny Ruiz (Comic Artist)Spain http://www.kennyruiz.com/
“I can express myself freely in Clip Studio Paint without any restrictions.”
I have been using Clip Studio Paint since 2015. After ten years of using a pen and marker for inking, I was convinced that I would keep using them. However, when I tried the brushes, the pressure sensitivity, and the process of tracing in Clip Studio Paint, I understood that it was the right moment to switch tools. Now I work much faster and try new things. The pressure and sensitivity of the preset brushes are perfect, and I can draw natural lines accurately which makes the drawing more organic and alive. I hate the precise and clean finished works of other software because I cannot see the artist behind it. I can express myself freely in Clip Studio Paint without any restrictions.

Okamoto (Animation Director & Illustrator)Japan http://mecha-ude.com/
“It's… amazing for my animation process, as I can work in the same software and tools I'm used to”
I had been using Clip Studio Paint for a long time for illustrations, but it's also amazing for my animation process, as I can work in the same software and tools I'm used to, like the pen tools and layer functions.
It has a lot of helpful features for line art and stabilization, so even beginners can draw lines with good quality.